Monday 31 May 2010

Information graphics

Information graphics

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The Washington Metro subway map

Information graphics or infographics are graphic visual representations of information, data or knowledge. These graphics present complex information quickly and clearly[1], such as in signs, maps, journalism, technical writing, and education. With an information graphic, computer scientists, mathematicians, and statisticians develop and communicate concepts using a single symbol to process information.

Form this peice of information i can see that information graphics turnes complicatd information into simple(possibly colour coded) images eg bus routes and as shown train routes. Information graphics is used where using text is simpally infeasable due to the detail and complexicty of the chosen subject. information graphics are found in many different types of media, newspapers, tv magazienes etc. in newspapers thge information graphics are usually used for the weather forcast and stocks.

i found this image which is suppost to portray a newspaper article on protestrors being cinfronted by the police. i like this because it is a very inventive peice. i like the idea of a chess board(making moves by both parties) this is a verry real idea, one party has to make the first move.

sign; chesboard with small figures placed in it with some wrds around the edge.

signifiers; police with battons and water hoses. farmers. words 'peicefull protest' and 'violent actions' small eu peice with what looks to be a helmeta nd usa with a cowboy hat on. chess board.

signified; there is some kind of clas between peacefull protesters and the police. the police where the aggressive party in this clash. the usa and the eu where nervious that the police viloence would reflect bad on them. the cowboy hat on the usa signifies that the usa is a wild contery(rednecks?).

i like this image. it is interesting because of the chess board. it really gives the message that war and conflict is based on moves, who makes what move effects the whold thing.

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